The morning was bright and clear from the night before. Edie woke up startled. She didn't want to fall asleep. She tried to stay awake so she and Susan could leave by dawn. She shook Susan to wake her. "Come on, Susan. Wake up. We need to go."Susan hated to get out of a warm bed. The bedroom didn't have any heat.
Susan walked through the living room and pulled back the blanket that was hanging in the doorway to the kitchen. "This feels good," she said to Katherine who was sitting at the table peeling potatoes. Susan went to the pump house with a kettle to get some water to boil on the wood stove. Someone left the handle up. Oh no, Susan thought. I have to go out and get some water from the rain barrow and prime the pump. Good thing it rained last night. When Susan opened the door to the pump house, a rat ran in front of her. That wasn't new to her. It was the spiders and their webs that she hated.
Susan walked through the living room and pulled back the blanket that was hanging in the doorway to the kitchen. "This feels good," she said to Katherine who was sitting at the table peeling potatoes. Susan went to the pump house with a kettle to get some water to boil on the wood stove. Someone left the handle up. Oh no, Susan thought. I have to go out and get some water from the rain barrow and prime the pump. Good thing it rained last night. When Susan opened the door to the pump house, a rat ran in front of her. That wasn't new to her. It was the spiders and their webs that she hated.
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